Sunday, March 28, 2010

Needle Case

L's needles have been falling out and littering up the corners of her knitting bag - in danger of being lost and broken. So, being the crafty person that she is, she whipped out a nifty knitting needle case for herself.

If I had done this, there would have been many tears, ripped seams, and cries of pain. Since it was L, it looks just like she wanted it to, and took only a short while to complete.

After some discussion, we've decided that next time it might be better to sew a case that also had an upper flap so that when closed the needles can't slide out either the top or the bottom.

Currently it ties shut with a loose and unattached red ribbon. I don't know if this will change or not. I would misplace the ribbon in approximately 8.3 seconds if it was me.

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